What should be kept in mind while downloading any application?

Many people want to know about the applications they use in the phone, which application is good for you and which application is not good for you. Whether you download it from Play Store, whether you have an iPhone, whether you do it from a brother, wherever you download the application, you are given the details, the description is given, the rating is given. Now it is important for you to know that the rating is not fake because people have created many IDs and they keep giving fake rating to their application and giving comments. There are many people who do all these things. You can easily install any application in your phone.

So the question arises here that if you want to download any application in your phone and want to do any kind of work with this application then what should you look for first. Before I install it there you will get an idea of ​​how much people use it by the number of downloads. Anyone who has that app either with their fake id or by telling people on their app. It doesn’t matter if you get a rating, but when you see how many downloads this application has, how many users there are, you will understand that there is something special about this application. There are people who want to record a call in their phone or do any such activity or want to use any app in their phone, so they immediately open it in their phone after seeing such a rating. You should note all the things done.

And the most important thing is that when you open any application in your phone, you never give all permissions to it, while installing any application, you are asked for certain permissions like your camera. Key Permissions, Contact Key Permissions, Phone Message Permissions, there are many permissions in it. The access of K’s phone goes to him. Today’s children are such that they open any game in their phone or any such small application in their phone easily, so they are not. If you see which permissions he has set on fire, then you don’t know about it, you continue to use the phone in the same way and then you realize that something has gone wrong with you. First of all. So you should use an antivirus in your phone and you should do this every day so that you know what activities are happening in your phone.

Mobile phone has become an essential part of our daily life. We cannot live without it. We eat food or do any work or talk to someone on phone. It has become a necessary part. Now that the phone has become a part of our life, you should know all these things, because if you use the phone, it is obvious that you also have to run the Internet in your home. If you are married, your wife will use your phone. It is not correct.

What should be checked before installing any application?

◀ First of all you have to see how much is its rating

◀After that, you have to see what people comment on it, because you will know from the comments how much people are behind it and how much demand it has.

◀ Now you also have to see what update this application runs every week if any application is not updated frequently then you should never use it. Because a good developer should update his application daily. keeps doing

▶ First of all you have to see that you have to search about this application that this application is mentioned on every platform, every platform has some page or some post. If you It is very important to use, so you have to see all these things.

▶ Never give your camera access to your contacts while using the application. Because there are hundreds of applications that require a lot of access to open in your phone.

▶ First of all you have to check that the application you have to pay is certified.

▶You should never make an investment on the internet on an online earning application.


So you learned that if you want to download any application in your phone and use it, then first of all you have to take care of the things that are very important for you.

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